Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Resident Expert Techies

Learning binary.  Writing scripts.  Launching a class blog.  Programming robots to perform simple (and fun!) tasks.

We have immersed ourselves in technology as of late.  With global demand for computer scientists on the rise, what better way for second graders to learn technology than by active inquiry?

We are fine tuning our research skills and honing our writer's voice as we contribute to our class blog.  We'd love it if you'd check our posts out!  A link to our blog can be found HERE

Along with learning to program with Scratch, our class will participate in frequent Hour of Code sessions.  You can learn more about Hour of Code by clicking HERE

Second graders have hit the ground running with our robotics unit!  This unit is particularly fun because of the way in which it involves following complex directions, working in partnerships, understanding simple machines, predicting ultimate results, and measuring class data.

Lastly, here is a photo collage of the previous few weeks of learning in second grade.  The second graders helped to curate this in iMovie.  We look forward to making more of these in the future!