Teaching social studies has slowly - and charmingly - become one of my favorite parts about second grade. Communities is our (fairly broad) introductory unit. Our second grade anthropologists are granted a blank canvas as we first observe and then analyze the function of communities within our own lives. As the school year progresses, we increasingly move away from our personal communities and reach out to explore life on a more global level.
I really enjoy these beginning weeks of social studies. We are carefully, yet enthusiastically, analyzing our own lives. We're gaining new insights about people and events happening close by.
Tyler's dad is a volunteer fireman stationed in Rockville. He was kind enough to give us a very informative and entertaining tutorial about how firemen and firewomen serve communities. He brought a great sense of humor - and all of his gear - to answer our pressing questions and allow us to make new connections.
Tyler is kind enough to try on all of the gear!
Mr. Fay details the channels of communication when calling 911 |
Almost ready... just need that helmet
We were all amazed at its heaviness.
Trying on the oxygen masks
Mr. Fay's presentation was an awesome learning experience because it was informative and so much fun. This year we are very eager to have an open classroom, where family members and community helpers may visit to teach us something new. We have had an excellent start!
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