Thursday, May 30, 2013

Biography Celebration and Wrapping School Up

....................FINALLY.  The grand celebration.  The great minds party.  The amazing send off that us second graders give to our newest historical friends.

There aren't too many places where you'll find Annie Oakley holding court with Albert Einstein.  Or an Egyptian pharaoh discoursing with a prima ballerina.

We had it all:  sports starts, courageous characters who broke the color barrier, inspiring artists, and even a queen or two.

Those parents could not stump us.  After months and months of reading, inquiring, planning, and practicing, we were ready for all questions - and also ready to pose some of our own.

The above photograph might be my favorite of the entire school year.  Does anything say "We're all ready for summer" like a shoeless Johnny Appleseed walking down an empty hallway with a dapper Louis Armstrong?  Even the parents didn't flinch!

The end of the school year is definitely a time for reflection, but more than that:  it's time to delve into high interest material.  Lessons and subjects that possibly didn't have a place in our packed-tight curriculum during the heart of the school year get special feature in the waning days.  Our first choice?  The ever popular Titanic:

One more chance to practice our research and sythesis skills.

One more time to collaborate at our desks and answer relevant questions that our peers ask without even picking our eyes or pencils up from the paper.

One more time to stand up while we're working because we just think better that way....

And one more time to feel hand cramps from all of the work, but intense pride in the ultimate result.

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